Pass the Hat

Fundraising. What a blessing to have so many people contributing so much to all seven of the pending federal civil rights lawsuits challenging the new laws signed by Governor Kathy Hochul in Summer 2022. Their fundraising has allowed me to concentrate on the flurry of court filings I have submitted in Gazzola v. Hochul since November 1, 2022 to the Northern District Court, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, and the U.S. Supreme Court. I’m fighting to keep the doors open of your local gun store, the only business targeted by the new unconstitutional and over-bearing laws.

On March 20, 2022, I will represent my clients in oral arguments at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City. Three more cases are scheduled in tandem for the same day, namely, Antonyuk II, Christian, and Hardaway. The appearance will be recorded and made public by the court. All the papers I have submitted at every level of court are already public. I have several uploaded to my website, available for free download, as well. I’ve submitted tens of thousands of words in support of the cause, and “cause” is not a typo for “case.”

This Saturday morning, over my cup of Joe, I’m making my first fundraising appeal to join those helping to raise needed funds for the expenses associated with my case, Gazzola v. Hochul. I’m asking that you find $5 or $10 or $20 and toss it in the hat. (That’s the link to click on. You know what to do.)

Your contribution will be 100% directly applied by me to expenses of the lawsuit which I am in charge of paying. The specific expense for which I’m raising funds today is to pay the Counsel Press bill for production of the Brief with two volume Appendix I submitted two weeks ago to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, ahead of the March 20 oral argument date. I wrote the 13,000-word brief (roughly 40 pages, double-spaced), filled with all the good persuasive content I could muster. It then got bound with mandatory pages plus two exhibits. I assembled the record on appeal (another, oh, 500+ pages of documents, most of which I previously wrote, including the affidavits of eight of my clients). Counsel Press is the company with teams, headed by lawyers, which produces the official print copies in accordance with dozens of pages of court rules. Counsel Press also prints the mandatory paper copies and gets them to the courthouse, while also serving them on opposing counsel. Those formal copies meet requirements right down to the color of the cover and the point size of the case number at the top of that cover. I couldn’t complete federal filings without the support of Counsel Press.

The set of papers just submitted to the Second Circuit – which measures exactly 2” high – comes with a pricetag of $5,864. The bill just came. This is the sixth filing I’ve made to the Second Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court through Counsel Press since December 2, 2022. Each of those filings came with a bill that has been paid for at just under $12,000. Contributions have also already paid for prior court filing fees, which added another $1,500. I still have two filings to go at the beginning of March; smaller documents that will run approximately $1,000 each.

My fundraising campaign is for $7,500 in expenses that will be paid through my law office to Counsel Press. Submissions must be made in accordance with court rules or clerks doing in-bound submission screening quite literally reject the papers - sight unseen by a judge. All Counsel Press work has been flawless.

Can you toss a few dollars into the hat?

Let me know when we can meet up for a cup of coffee. The next cup’s on me.

Paloma Capanna

Attorney & Policy analyst with more than 30 years of experience in federal and state courtrooms, particularly on issues where the Second Amendment intersects with other civil rights.


28 Hours

