Jan 6 vs ISIS
For the first time ever in my life, I am flying the US flag upside-down. A career international terrorist is facing less wrath from the US DOJ than are January 6 defendants.
Twenty Years a Marine
Jason Dolan, twenty years a Marine, pled guilty to two felony counts on September 15, waiving a lengthy list of constitutional rights, and waiving his right to a ruling on pending motions to dismiss those very charges.
The 9/8 Train
The attorneys (on both sides) couldn’t keep up with Judge Mehta yesterday as he tore up the legal issues surrounding the DOJ-created charge of “Obstruction of Congress.”
The DOJ is Guilty!
The US Department of Justice Attorneys are guilty of entrapping three defendants tagged as “Oath Keepers” to sign off on a pre-determined narrative.
Trial Dates Ordered
It’s time to grab your updated tracking sheet on the prosecution of the sixteen defendants tagged as “Oath Keepers.”