If you’re a New Yorker who received a “DENY” on a background check for a non-antique firearm,

you have a right to appeal to the FBI, whether the alleged record match is federal or state.

Here’s why your choice matters:

Federal Civil Rights Protection:

In June 2022, NYS Governor Kathleen Hochul declared war on the U.S. Supreme Court and on fundamental, first-class Second Amendment rights. She declared herself, as a governor, to be more powerful than the Supremacy Clause, the Rule of Law, and the Fourteenth Amendment.

Your federal rights under the Second Amendment are fundamental, first class, and equally protected against federal or state government infringement.

As a matter of federal law:

You have a right to appeal a “deny” to either the FBI or to the NYS Police. If you file your appeal to the FBI, that federal agency is required to check the federal and/or any state record held up by the government as a “match” with a disqualifying factor. “The FBI will consider the information it receives from the individual and the response it receives from the POC or the data source.” The FBI can then make a determination whether you are disqualified, or not, and can direct the federal or state agency to correct an erroneous record.

Where to go is 28 CFR Part 23, especially section 25.10 (d). That’s 28 Code of Federal Register. These are the ATF regulations to accompany “The Brady Act” (1993).

Man in the Middle

As recently as September 26, 2023, NYS Governor Kathleen Hochul remains actively at war against the Hon. Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court, stating at a formal public presentation in Albany:

“The Justice Clarence Thomas - yes, the one and only - granted a request for an emergency conference in a case that is designed to dismantle New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvements Act.””

NYS Governor Hochul is at war against Justice Thomas and, to her, you’re just the man in the middle. To her, it’s not about the U.S. Constitution. It’s not about civil rights - any of them. It’s about the man who stands in between her and the power she wants to create the first gun owners’ registry in the history of this nation. To put federally-licensed dealers in firearms out of business and in jail. And to eliminate concealed carry, state wide, except “on a few streets somewhere.”

NYS Police Superintendent Bruen resigned in 2022.

No Superintendent was nominated in more than a year.

Then, NYS Police Acting Superintendent Nigrelli resigned 09.22.2023.

At the time of Hochul’s press conference statement above on 09.26.2023, Hochul is the literal head of the state police and she’s building a gun owners’ registry.

Is that the office you want determining your appeal?