Calling All Patriots!

It’s time to do something. It’s time to use our First Amendment rights to defend our Second Amendment rights. At the same time we’re running defense, it’s time to run offense. The facts, the law, and the Constitution are on our side. But, there’s a serious deficiency in the background check system that is being covered by the smoke and mirrors of advancing legislation. Let’s get done what needs doing to get the law in line with the Constitution.

On Friday, July 30 & Saturday, July 31, join me and Nick McFadden, owner of Nick’s Guns & Gear, for the kick-off event to “Calling All Patriots!” We’ll be at Nick’s FFL in Morehead City, North Carolina on Friday (2-4) and Saturday (11-1) with the form letters needed to make our voices heard in Washington. There will be three Bill opposition letters ready for you to print your name and address and sign + a petition to demand new legislation. Defense + offense.

We are blessed to live in North Carolina, where we are represented by a strong Congressional delegation and a united Senate delegation. We have the opportunity to support our representatives in their opposition to Senate Bills 183 and 963, and to call for opposition to House Bill 350. We also have a shot at getting legislation introduced to require the ATF to provide written notification if we are reported to NICS by any reporting agency, including the FBI.

Too much is going on in Washington in the name of “domestic terrorism.” What is clear from my research into the events of January 6 is those events are serving as a convenient excuse to push legislation and funding that will amount to McCarthyism without the Committee.

There are more than 24,000,000 (that’s million) records in the NICS system and not a single person was notified when a record was filed against them. Even when a person is denied a firearms purchase at an FFL, there is no right to inspect those records. You are told “deny” by the FFL. When you file the appeal to the ATF, you get a 1-2 page letter with a hint of what they are looking at and no copies of the actual claimed records.

Who’s the real “terrorist” in this situation? The government, cloaked in secrecy against its citizens? Or the lawful firearms owner trying to keep the record straight in the light of day?

Check the new EVENTS page of this website for this and other events under the “Calling All Patriots!” banner. Let me know what you can put together at your locale. If I can be there, I will. At the least, Zoom me in, Scottie. It’s time to get loud at Washington in a language they hear and can understand: legislation and votes.

Paloma Capanna

Attorney & Policy analyst with more than 30 years of experience in federal and state courtrooms, particularly on issues where the Second Amendment intersects with other civil rights.


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