Freedom of Information

My new White Paper was written, knowing it was only the beginning. Knowing that the book – though consuming more than 400 hours of research – would be the easier lift. Knowing, to get past what data was put into the public domain, I will likely have to sue to get access to what is not.

I am no stranger to FOIA lawsuits to obtain state government records. One of those cases, Robinson vs. New York State Police, was not only successful at forcing the release of mandated “assault weapon” registration data, it resulted in an award of attorney’s fees. In New York, awards of attorney’s fees are unheard of. The State complied and did not appeal.

Regarding January 6, let me give you an introduction into my big picture of data pursuit.

• records claimed to exist by the FBI/DOJ in their Indictments and pleadings against sixteen defendants (the so-called “Oath Keeper” defendants);

• records of claims of abusive treatment of defendants, specifically, those ordered to remain incarcerated pending trial;

• records stated by witnesses in the first Congressional hearings that they would produce to the Committee;

• records, such as department policies, referenced by witnesses at the first Congressional hearings, but that no one requested be produced to Congress; and,

• records, such as internal investigations, claimed to be conducted by offices and agencies, such as by the DOJ into the “60 Minutes” interview of Michael Sherwin and such as by the US Capitol Police into the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt.

These requests will involve everything from municipal records to federal records, and it will not just involve the location of Washington, D.C.

I have begun the FOIA submission process, and the first two requests were denied.

And so the process begins. In some cases, I will redraft and resubmit. In other cases I will move on to my “B” list for the same office or agency, while taking an administrative appeal of a denial, and then group multiple requests into a single lawsuit for efficiency.

My ask of you is this: let me know which threads from my book struck you enough to want to know more. The contact page of this website is handy for that purpose. Or send me an e-mail at Paloma[AT]2AMPatriot[DOT]com.

There are a precious few other people around the country who have also selected specific topics that they are pursuing through FOIA, and I will cover those on this website, as well, as I become of aware of them. When key information is released in other cases, let’s be sure we all see it. Be welcomed to send me notes with links when you see documents being released or if you get documents released, yourself.

Remember at all times: you do not have to be a Member of Congress to pursue information and obtain it. You simply have to be willing to cast the line and reel it in.

Paloma Capanna

Attorney & Policy analyst with more than 30 years of experience in federal and state courtrooms, particularly on issues where the Second Amendment intersects with other civil rights.


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