J6 Fischer v U.S. SCOTUS Amicus Brief


Fischer v. U.S. is the first case accepted by SCOTUS concerning January 6, 2021 defendants. At issue, a criminal charge filed against more than 300 defendants, which contorts a white collar crime against bad corporate actors into a political weapon, carrying a 20-year felony charge.

This Amicus Brief reflects more than 125 hours of research, analysis, and commentary on Fischer plus seventeen comparable cases. It is designed to put data and arguments before our nation’s high court to supplement the merits filings by defense counsel.

Section I. Lower Court “Context” Analyses of 18 USC s.1512(c)(2) Defy “Common Sense”

Section II. The US DOJ Campaign of “Shock & Awe” Quickly Indicted “The Crowd,” Turning Individual Defendants into “Ham Sandwiches”

Section III. Inside the “Four Corners” of Rulings on the x.1512(c)(2) Count are Judicial Op-Eds.

This Amicus is stuffed full of raw data specially compiled. It contains two tables, two case illustrations, an appendix of the cases, an appendix of the 26 different charges filed against the defendants in differing configurations, and a pair of appendices showing the charges filed against individual defendants in each case (even where a defendant settled).

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